Discover Unbound Potential with BP’s Online Course Coaching: Converting Your Expertise into Profitable Online Courses

Are you a small business owner seeking to tap into unexplored avenues of revenue using your unique knowledge and processes? Looking for expert guidance to transform your wealth of knowledge into a steady, passive income source?

Turn Your Expertise Into Automated Passive Revenue With Unlimited Potential

BP’s Online Course Coaching is curated specifically for you, helping you convert your unique expertise and proven processes into digital courses that you can sell. These courses won’t just align with your customers’ needs but will add significant value to their lives while simultaneously boosting your revenue.

As an online course coach, I specialize in assisting businesses plan, structure, and creating various digital resources, with a significant focus on online courses. These assets provide immense value to your customers while establishing a continuous income stream for your business.

Our online course coaching for small business owners uses a systematic approach to product creation, comprising:

  • Course Strategy Development: Your journey begins with crafting a comprehensive course strategy that aligns with your business’s vision and mission. Don’t worry if you don’t have one yet; we’re here to help you create a detailed brand guide!
  • Brand Differentiation: We ensure that your online courses have a unique differentiator, setting them apart from competitors based on your course strategy. This gives you a compelling unique selling proposition that persuades your target audience to choose your courses.
  • Course Creation: We help convert your business plan into engaging online courses designed to resonate with your target audience, ensuring they receive maximum value. These courses will create new streams of passive revenue, allowing you to scale your business effectively.
  • Course Management: Once your courses are ready, we continue our support by developing a strategic action plan for efficient course management. This ensures that your online courses continue to thrive and generate consistent results.

Benefits and impact of our online course coaching service include: 

  • Strategic Direction: Co-create a vision and roadmap that serves as the foundation for your course decisions, providing your brand with a clear path for growth.

  • Brand Positioning: I’ll help you identify what makes your brand stand out in the market. This distinctiveness not only differentiates your online courses but also creates a compelling value proposition, increasing overall market appeal.

  • Engaging Courses: Convert your brand voice into engaging online courses that connect deeply with your audience. These assets spark conversations, build relationships and result in revenue growth.

  • Efficient Course Management: Our coaching program equips you with a strategic plan for effective execution and course management, setting the stage for your business to become a powerful, course-centric platform, ready to adapt to market trends and grow.

By aligning these benefits with your unique business goals, our online course coaching can transform your business, leading to greater visibility, increased customer engagement, and sustainable growth.

Is online course coaching for you? Complete this quick self-assessment to find out:

  • Course Creation: Have you set up fundamental online courses for your business?
  • Growth: Are you looking to grow your business methodically, step-by-step?
  • Execution: Do you need assistance developing a strategic course creation and management plan?

Your responses will determine if online course coaching can serve as the catalyst your business needs for growth and automated passive income generation.

BP’s Content Coaching Packages

12-Week Online Course Coaching Package

  • Six bi-weekly coaching sessions, each lasting 40 minutes. These sessions provide a structured approach to progress, with each session building on the last to help you meet your online course objectives.
  • Access to daily morning and evening business journaling to help you develop clarity and self-awareness around your online course goals and progress.
  • Bi-weekly reflections: You will be sent a bi-weekly self-evaluation form to assess progress, highlight achievements, and identify improvement areas. these insights aid in fine-tuning our coaching strategy for future sessions.


24-Week Online Course Coaching Package

  • Twelve bi-weekly coaching sessions, each lasting 40 minutes. These sessions provide a structured approach to progress, with each session building on the last to help you meet your online course objectives.
  • Access to daily morning and evening business journaling to help you develop clarity and self-awareness around your online course goals and progress.
  • Bi-weekly reflections before your session: You will be sent a bi-weekly self-evaluation form to assess progress, highlight achievements, and identify improvement areas. these insights aid in fine-tuning our coaching strategy for future sessions.


Elite Year-Long Online Course Coaching Package

  • Twenty-six bi-weekly coaching sessions, each lasting 40 minutes. These sessions provide a structured approach to progress, with each session building on the last to help you meet your online course objectives.
  • Twelve “just-in-time” monthly sessions, each lasting 15 minutes. These sessions are available for when you need additional support or guidance.
  • Access to daily morning and evening business journaling to help you develop clarity and self-awareness around your online course goals and progress.
  • Bi-Weekly check-ins: Regular email, designed to keep you on track and provide an opportunity for questions, concerns, or additional support in between sessions. (On the weeks we do not have a session)
  • Bi-weekly reflections before your session: You will be sent a bi-weekly self-evaluation form to assess progress, highlight achievements, and identify improvement areas. these insights aid in fine-tuning our coaching strategy for future sessions.


Frequently asked questions about online course coaching

Can I turn my knowledge into an automated passive income source?

Yes, absolutely! Our online course coaching services are focused on helping you convert your expertise into a consistent revenue source by creating and selling online courses that resonate with a target audience. The process involves identifying your niche, understanding your audience’s needs, and creating a valuable course to meet these needs.

What exactly is online course coaching?

Online course coaching is a process that helps you create curriculums and develop online courses that can be sold on your website. This can be a powerful way to share your expertise, provide value to your customers, and generate scalable passive revenue.

How can online course coaching help me as a small business owner?

Online course coaching can help you identify the topics that will resonate with your target audience, create comprehensive curriculums, develop engaging course content, understand the technical aspects of creating and distributing online courses, and leverage your online courses to generate passive revenue and enhance your brand authority.

What are your credentials as an online course coach?

With a master’s degrees in business and internet marketing and extensive experience in digital media marketing, I bring a unique blend of coaching expertise and business acumen to the table. I’ve helped numerous small business owners create successful online courses and scale their businesses. I have developed 40 courses between my clients and myself and manage them on their e-commerce websites.

What does a typical content coaching session look like?

Our partnership will involve bi-weekly coaching sessions, each lasting 40 minutes. Each session will begin with you identifying a micro-objective, which is a concrete goal you aim to achieve by the end of our meeting.

Afterward, we will discuss how to measure the success of the session. This mutual understanding will help synchronize our expectations and align us toward a common goal.

To achieve your micro-objective, we will collaboratively craft a strategic plan. This process is flexible and fluid, like a dance. As your coach, I will guide you through the plan, but whether it becomes a detailed guideline or a high-level strategy will depend on your preference.

We will work together to achieve the plan you have set throughout the session. Near the end of our session, you will reflect on our discussion. This encourages self-evaluation to determine if we met the session’s success metrics and to identify key takeaways. We will then explore how these insights can impact your business in the forthcoming days.

Before concluding, you will be asked to outline your action steps for the period leading up to our next session. We will also discuss how to measure success during this interval. This practice reinforces your focus on success and nurtures continuity in our coaching journey.

Additionally, between sessions, I encourage you to complete a bi-weekly reflection. This will involve assessing your progress over the past two weeks, identifying achievements and potential areas of improvement, and deciding whether to continue with your current action steps or focus on a new area. This feedback will provide valuable insights for our next meeting.

Throughout the session, we will work together to achieve the plan you have set. Generally, the initial 5-10 minutes of our session are dedicated to setting the micro-objective, defining success metrics, and drafting the strategic plan. However, it’s important to note that the process of setting a strategic plan may take longer, particularly if you prefer a detailed plan. The remaining time will be focused on introspection, discussion, and planning your next steps. This allows us to reflect on the progress made, discuss any challenges or insights, and prepare for the upcoming actions.

What is the cost of your information product coaching services?

We offer three different coaching packages. The 12-week package costs $600, the 24-week package costs $1,200, and the one-year package costs $3,000. Each package includes bi-weekly sessions.

How is the coaching delivered?

The coaching is delivered through private Zoom meetings. This allows for flexibility and convenience, as you can join the sessions from anywhere.

What if I'm not satisfied with the coaching?

Your satisfaction is important to us. If you’re not satisfied with the coaching, we encourage you to discuss your concerns with us so we can address them and improve your coaching experience.

How do I get started?

To get started, you can book a complimentary discovery session. This session will give you a better understanding of our coaching program and how it can benefit you. After the session, you can choose the coaching package that best suits your needs. 

Ready to Create Your Own Courses?

Take the first step towards online course success. Book a complimentary discovery session today to learn more about our online course development coaching program and how it can benefit you. Remember, online courses are not just about generating income—they’re about sharing your expertise and providing value to your customers. Invest in your business’s future with BP Business Coaching.